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Presently looking for both Masters & Undergraduate students:

If you are interested in field-based research on Middle to Late Triassic reefs click here for more details  

Midde-Late Triassic

The Middle to Late Triassic records the recovery of biodiversity after Earth’s largest mass extinction – including the first appearance of modern reef-builders. This project seeks to document the long-term recovery of fossil reefs to ultimately understand how marine communities become more modernized

Oysters Through Time

Currently, there is only one native oyster that resides off of the coast of California. This project focuses on providing a deep time history of oyster reefs throughout southern California. By tracking and surveying oyster populations through deep time, we hope to guide current restoration projects. 


The transition between the Pliocene and Pleistocene was a climate-driven, large-scale environmental change that altered taxonomic communities globally. Researchers document elevated extinction levels in the western Atlantic, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, New Zealand, and the northeastern Pacific. However, the eastern Pacific regions is largely understudied

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